5 Reasons to give your graduate (or self) the gift of travel.
5 Reasons you should give your graduate (or self) the gift of travel
As school starts back I was caught up in thinking back to when I graduated a million years ago. I was seriously thinking about what I got for graduation. You want the epiphany? I do not remember anything but cash. I cannot remember what I even bought with that said cash. No this isn’t a complaint of the generosity of those giving gifts. It just seems that I was unaware that there was more that I could have done with what I received. So if I could go back I would tell myself this…
1. Stop looking at pictures, videos, and movies from all over the world and start exploring your world. You can not smell or taste pictures. ” Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times” Asian Proverb

2. You can get money back, but you will never get time back to do the things you dream about doing. We are never guaranteed anything in this life… I am learning at this stage in life, the time is now! Remember, the goal is to die with memories not dreams.

3. Travel forces you to think for yourself to a degree. You have lived most of your life with people telling you what to do, where to go, and when to do it. With travel comes freedom and choices.

4. You become more adaptive. There is nothing like trying to overcome a language barrier, trying to count change with a Euro, or reading train schedules. All while functioning on a 6 hour time change.

5. Step outside of your everyday life. Learn about the many cultures and people of this world. It is quite strange to meet people and realize for yourself that everyone to a degree is the same. You no longer listen to what people say, but learn to forge opinions based on personal experience. I feel this is probably one of the most important one of all. It leads to a greater love and understanding for all of humanity.

So whether is it across the country or half way around the world gift your graduate (or self) an experience they or you will remember for a lifetime!
- Contact me today for a free consultation for trip planning.